2024 Fine Artist Application
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2024 Fine Artist Info Letter
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Gin Mathes | Olympia, WA
Black Lotus Art
Mixed Media / Folk Art
Steve McCarthy | Washougal, WA
Solstice Photography
Samuel Pace | Los Angeles, CA
Pace Fine Arts
Oil & Acrylic Painting
Marina Pearson | Vancouver, WA
Imarinus Art
Abstract Acrylic Painting
Diane Russell | Portland, OR
Diane Russell Studio
Fine Art Portraits & Oil Painting
Karen Stuwe | Vancouver, WA
KaryLane Photography
Landscape & Wildlife Photography
Tracy Walstead | Longview, WA
Dancing Cat Studio
Fused glass art / jewelry
Michelle Wright | Camas, WA
Rushing River Design
Carole Zacher | Cashmere, WA
Art to Suit You
Copper, Bronze, and German Silver Jewelry
Diana Zolotko | Vancouver, WA
DLZ Artistry
Watercolor, charcoal, and mixed media
Fine Artists (UPDATING for 2025 - stay tuned)
We are a "Cultural Arts" Festival - world class music, art, wine, food, and community are part of this event! This means the visual arts are an important component of the Festival. Each year we select and invite a LIMITED number of fine artists to display and sell their art at the Festival. We seek only professional artists in a variety of mediums (painting, sculpture, pottery, jewelry, metal, mixed media, etc.). If you want to become a Festival Fine Artist do the following: download and save the Application, Information Letter, and Brochure to your computer. Complete the Application and submit the application with your booth fee. If you are a 'first-time' artist, you also will submit samples of your work for our jury. Questions? Call us at 360-906-0441 or contact us by email. Download the info below for details!
Buy Your 2024 Artist Space
Here is a list of the fine artists and crafters who have participated in Festivals from 1998-2023
Artist Name | City | State | Galley Name | Website |
Jerry Ableidinger | Auburn | WA | Able Wood Design | |
Flicka Accardo | Lincoln City | OR | Flicka Accardo Gallery | |
Alice Adams | Tacoma | WA | Gazelle Jewelry Designs | |
Kathy Allen | Drain | OR | Simplistic Designs | www.simplistic-designs.com |
Anne Anderson | Issaquah | WA | Anne Anderson Designs | www.pearbox.com |
Carl Annala | Portland | OR | Carbonmade Studio | www.carlannala.carbonmade.com |
Jack Babcock | Auburn | WA | Christmas in the Round | |
Marilyn Bacon | Kalispell | MT | Dragonfly Stitches | |
Danielle Barber | Everett | WA | Little Bird Designs | |
Tina Barry | Phoenix | OR | Tina Barry Designs | www.tinabarrydesigns.com |
Dave Bartholet | Seaside | OR | Dave Bartholet Wildlife Artist | www.davebartholet.com |
Kali Basi | Yelm | WA | Kali Basi Designs/Kalis Table | |
Heather Bernadette | Renton | WA | Crafty Grrlz | www.craftygrrlz.com |
Don Bietschek | Portland | OR | Aquila Glass School | www.aquilaglassschool.com |
Michelle Bigelow | Vancouver | WA | For Your Glass Only | www.foryourglassonly.com |
Kathy Boczar | | | | |
Bonnie Boone | Cottage Grove | OR | The Daily Hat | |
Lori Brockway | Fairview | OR | Having a Blast | |
David Bronson | Olympia | WA | Legacy Studios | |
Jennifer Budde | Oregon City | OR | Artifacts Design Studio | www.artifactsdesignstudio.com |
Kevin Budde | Portland | OR | Glassworx NW | www.glassworxnw.com |
Barbara Bunting | Burlington | WA | B Sqaured Bags | |
Chuck Burau | Suquamish | WA | Chuck’s Natural Stone Jewelry | |
Pamela Callaway | Olympia | WA | Jazzbabies Fine Art | |
Shane Campuzano | Vancouver | WA | WildMage Productions | www.wildmageproductions.com |
Ann Chapman | Milwaukie | OR | | |
Dan Clark | Ashland | OR | Pinetree Jewelry | |
Brian Clark | Seattle | WA | Dryad Woodworks | www.dryadworks.com |
Melissa Cole | Spokane | WA | Melissa Cole Studios | www.melissacole.com |
Joyce Colosimo | Central Point | OR | Red Oak Glass | www.redoakglass.com |
Brian Comiso | Portland | OR | BC Metalworks | www.steelheadmetalworks.com |
Bob Crawford | Burlington | WA | Bob Crawford Woodworking | |
Jim & Holly Cutting | Kila | MT | Buffalo Trail Artworks | www.buffalotrailartworks.com |
Barbara Dale | | | Glassworks By Babs | www.glassworksbybabs.com |
Stephen Davis | Eugene | OR | Go with the Flow Copper Water Features | |
Tahereh Dehghan | Seattle | WA | Tash’s Accessories | |
Marilyn & Mike Dessert | Coupeville | WA | Handcrafts by M n M | |
Sharon Dexter | Eatonville | WA | Nordic Folklore Art Studios | www.nordicfolklore.com |
Anna Dickinson | Beaverton | OR | Art On The Edge | |
James Dunbar | | | Dunbars Fine Art Studio | www.dunbarsfineart.net |
Dorothy Dunnicliff | Vashon | WA | Dova Silks, Inc. | www.dovasilks.com |
Mary Edwards | Poulsbo | WA | Joi de Vie Jewelry | |
Bruce Elia | Damascus | OR | Puluke’s Boxes | www.pulukesboxes.com |
Susan Elle | Meridian | ID | Susan Elle Studio | www.susanelle-studio.com |
Elizabeth Ellingson | Ashland | OR | Silver Rock Design | www.silverrockdesign.com |
Kathleen Ellis | Dallas | OR | Artistic Endeavors | |
Marg Everett | Beaverton | OR | Friends & Family Beads | |
Rene Ewbank | Port Angeles | WA | Fresh Hats | www.freshhats.com |
Kevin Farnsworth | Hillsboro | OR | Re-(Wine)-d | www.re-wine-d.com |
Marta Farris | Tualatin | OR | Marta Farris Design | |
Terry Foltz | Battle Ground | WA | Scrollsaw Art | www.scrollsaw-art.com |
Rachel Foss | Portland | OR | Fused Glass House | www.fusedglasshouse.com |
Richard Frazier | Vancouver | WA | Artists of Steamboat Landing | |
Dwayne & Heather Friedman | | | Imperial Glasshouse | |
Cynthia Frost | Portland | OR | The Jelly Bean | |
Maureen Gallegos | | | Embellished Vintage Art & Handbags | |
Mark Galloway | Damascus | OR | Lora/Linn Gallery | |
Barbara Gehr | | | Back Ali Barbs | |
David Gill | Renton | WA | Striking Orange Jewelry | www.strikingorange.com |
Fletcher Gober | Chehalis | WA | Fletcher Gober Pottery | |
Len Golab | Portland | OR | Bamboo Originals | www.bamboooriginals.com |
Carole Good-Hanson | Portland | OR | Gemini Gypsy Glass | www.geminigypsy.com |
Chris Gould-Hill | Roy | WA | Pet Stuff! | www.GourmetPetTreats.net |
Marie Gunton | Hillsboro | OR | Image Is Everything | |
Stacy Hamm | Everett | WA | Lady Garnish | www.stacyhamm.com |
Chris Handel | Bellingham | WA | Bayside Kites | |
Susan Henry | Joshua Tree | CA | Zannedelions | www.zannedelions.com |
Matthew Hewitson | Vancouver | WA | Artists of Steamboat Landing | |
Andy Hill | Stanwood | WA | Freeborn Metal Art | |
Deborah Hilleary | Portland | OR | Deep Pockets Handbags | |
Ronald Hinshaw | Camano Island | WA | | www.ronhinshawmetalsculpture.com |
Josh Hirt | Portland | OR | | |
Randy Hopfer | Vancouver | WA | Natural Highlight Photography | www.naturalhighlight.com |
Robert Horton | Seattle | WA | Sixx Lions Illustrations | www.sixxlions.com |
Jake Hose | Puyallup | WA | The Jake Hose Company | www.funwhimsicalart.com |
Nancy Hoyt | Boise | ID | Hoyt Jewelry Design | www.nancyhoytjewelry.com |
Richard & Esther Huebner | Battle Ground | WA | Stuff & Such | www.stuffandsuchofaz.com |
Pham Hung | Seattle | WA | | www.phamquochung.com |
Jeff Jentzsch | Rupert | ID | Art Roamers | www.artroamers.org |
John Johnson | Couer D' Alene | ID | Dog and Pup Studios | |
Sherrie Johnson | Malad City | ID | Steel Identity | |
Annika Jones | Tacoma | WA | Pashmina Palace | |
Robin Jordan | | | Robin Jordan Fine Art | www.rjannette.com |
Priscila Jourdan | Temecula | CA | M. D. Arts & Linens | |
Rachel Kammeyer Doherty | Vancouver | WA | | |
Lisa Kaus | Tigard | OR | | www.lisakaus.com |
Harold & Linda Kercher | Scappoose | OR | Dancing Cat Studio | |
Toni Kindel | Gladstone | OR | Toni Ties | |
Allan & Sheryl Kirkendall | Roseburg | OR | Winestem Company | www.winestemcompany.com |
Sam Klemke | Eugene | OR | | www.ultimessence.com |
Sam Klemke | Eugene | OR | | www.ultimessence.com |
Laura Koppes | Tigard | OR | | www.laurakoppes@weebly.com |
Harvey J. Krohn | Roseburg | OR | Harvey Krohn Studio | |
Sima Kuklshreshtha | Seattle | WA | Sima Bella Designs | www.simabella.com |
Olivia Lahti | Yakima | WA | LIV Gallery | |
Ray & Monik Lansing | Spokane | WA | Papa Ray’s Marketplace | www.paparaysmarketplace.com |
Vincent LaRochelle | Oak Ridge | OR | Vincent LaRochelle Art | |
Rik & Bonnie Larson | Eugene | OR | Distinctive Designs | |
Dennise Larson | | | Snagridge Designer Jewelry | www.snagridge.com |
Kate Larsson | Gig Harbor | WA | Kate Larsson Studio | www.katelarssonstudio.com |
Misi Gail Lenci | Tacoma | WA | | |
Karen Lerner | Portland | OR | Karen Lerner Jewelry | |
Kathy & Butch Lieggi | Couer D' Alene | ID | Maggie May Collection | |
Marilyn Linde | Cheshire | OR | Candle Works | www.brackenhillfarms.com |
Randy & Elizabeth Lobe | Olympia | WA | Against the Grain Creations | |
Mike Loeffler | Seattle | WA | Hatterdashery | www.hatterdashery.com |
Nano Lopez | Walla Walla | WA | Nano Lopez Studios | nanolopez.com |
Gary Love | Riverside | CA | Gary Love Photography | www.garylove.net |
Jean Luc | Altadena | CA | Voila Vintage Franco Folie | www.frankofolie.com |
Niels & Allison Madsen | Portland | OR | Madwood Turnery | www.madwoodturnery.com |
Marie Maestas | Columbia City | OR | The Twisted Gem | |
Daniela Mahoney | Portland | OR | Daniela M. | www.danielam.com |
April Manier | Eugene | OR | Becoming April | |
Lee & Bryce Mann | Sedro Woolley | WA | Lee Mann Photography | www.leemannphotography.com |
Barbara Marks | Oak Harbor | WA | Blue Heron Gallery | |
Walter & Norma Massey | Port Townsend | WA | Massey Copper | www.masseycopper.com |
Christopher Mautner | | | Oil Painting | |
Sharon McCameron Whyte | Vancouver | WA | | |
Natalie & Jeff McDougall | Deming | WA | Cascadia Stoneware | www.cascadiastoneware.com |
Deb McGroarty | | | Table Tops Unlimited | www.tabletoptwist.com |
Lary McKee | Gervais | OR | McKee Studio | www.larymckee.com |
Don McMahon | Lake Oswego | OR | Birds On Things | www.birdsonthings.com |
Joachim McMillan | Beaverton | OR | McMillan Gallery | www.joachimmcmillan.com |
Judy Meddaugh | Spokane | WA | Meddaugh Alchemy | |
Gwen Miller | Eagle Creek | OR | Whitehorse Designs | |
Bart Miller | Scappoose | OR | Art by Bart | www-artbybart.net |
Bonnie Moore | Damascus | OR | | |
Mattie Morse | Seattle | WA | Ethnicreations | www.ethnicreations.com |
Laurie Mortinson | Seattle | WA | Laurie Mortinson Jewelry | |
Sharon Nauta | Vancouver | WA | All Bottled Up | |
Jill Neal | Black Butte Ranch | OR | Jill’s Wild Tasteful Women | www.jillnealgallery.com |
John Neang | Tulalip | WA | CN Sculpture | www.cnsculptures.com |
Jeffrey Nelson | New Windsor | NY | Hudson River Inlay | www.hudsonriverinlay.com |
Kim Newman | Vancouver | WA | Flame Flower | |
Dennis & Maureen Nixon | Mukilteo | WA | Country Toys LLC. | www.countrytoys.net |
Elizabeth Nye | Camas | WA | E.M. ENZ Design | |
Joell Nylund | Auburn | WA | Crazy Girl Limited | www.crazygirllimited.com |
Stan O’Neil | La Conner | WA | O’Neil’s Arts | www.oneilsfineartglass.com |
Ana Willow Obermayr | Portland | OR | Oberini Glass Design, Inc. | |
LeAnn & Larry Ochsner | Glasgow | MT | L Ochsners | |
Mike & Jan Oliver | Post Falls | ID | Distinctive Burl Design | www.distinctiveburldesign.com |
Sharon Orella | Sherwood | OR | Sharon Orella Fine Art | www.sharonorella.etsy.com |
Kathleen Otley | Greenbank | WA | Architectural Willow | www.otleyart.com |
Samuel Pace | Los Angeles | CA | Pace Fine Art | www.samuelpace.com |
Janean Parker | Chehalis | WA | 3 Feathers Emu Ranch | www.threefeathersemus.com |
Violet Pease | Tonasket | WA | VIP'S Beads & Things | www.vipsmagneticjewelry.com |
Linda Peterson | La Grande | OR | Linda Peterson Watercolors | |
Priscilla Peterson | Seattle | WA | Happ & Stanscz | |
Hung Pham | Seattle | WA | Hung Pham Fine Art | www.phamquochung.com |
Shadie Pickett | Vancouver | WA | Divine Wine Creations | |
Rose Porter | Yelm | WA | Scentual Nature | www.scentualnature.com |
Linda Potter | Eugene | OR | Mag/Flint Firestarter | www.magflintfirestarter.com |
Denise Reeves | Wahougal | WA | Wildwood Jewelry Design | www.widlwoodjewelrydesign.com |
Jennifer Reid | Tacoma | WA | | www.jrdesignshop.com |
Jo Remensperger | Portland | OR | Jo’s Holiday Designs | |
Dan Rickards | Sisters | OR | Clearwater Gallery | www.clearwaterstudio.com |
Sue Roake | Gresham | OR | Diamond 57 | www.diamond57.com |
Lisa Robinson | Seaside | OR | Art of Lisa Sofia | www.lisasofia.net |
Marcus Roloson | Port Angeles | WA | Sew It Seams Tie-Dye | www.sewitseamstiedye.com |
Lungala Rubadiri | Los Angeles | CA | Nzalamba Art Works | www.nzalamba-artworks.com |
Diane Russell | Portland | OR | Diane Russell Studio | www.dianerussell.net |
Daryle Ryder | Eugene | OR | Clear Creek Stained Glass Company | |
Mariusz & Dorota Rynkiewicz | Everett | WA | Studio Rynkiewicz | wwwmariuszart.com |
Michael Sage | Vancouver | WA | Sage Designs | www.phantomleaves.com |
Eli Sanders | Portland | OR | Over The Top | |
Bruce Sanford | Olympia | WA | Image Northwest | |
Jo Dean Sarins | White Salmon | WA | | www.arrayofelegance.com |
Cliff Scharf | Oakland | OR | Cliff Scharf Jewelry | www.cliffscharfjewelry.etsy.com |
Bill Schlicker | Startup | WA | Parallax Gallery | www.parallaxgallery.com |
Rose Schultz | Ontario | OR | Rambling Rose Creations | www.ramblingrosecreations.com |
Lori Schumann | Portland | OR | Skirtin’ Around | |
Jayne Siroshton | Camas | WA | | www.wildharegreetings.com |
Dorothy Skea | Edmonds | WA | | |
Patti Smith | Happy Valley | OR | Never Too Many Earrings | |
Rose Smith | Portland | OR | D&V Pewter Accessories | |
Carolyn Sproul | Gig Harbor | WA | Faery Myst Creations | |
Jack & Lynn Staton | Gold Hill | OR | Mt. Valley Designs | |
Todd Stephens | Vancouver | WA | Stephens Art Zone | www.stephensartzone.com |
Sydni Sterling | Indianola | WA | | www.sydnisterling.com |
Jim & Lori Stocker | West Linn | OR | Essence of Fire, LLC | |
Leon Tantau-Smith | Milwaukie | OR | Leon Tantau-Smith Gallery | |
Jerrie Thomas | Myrtle Creek | OR | Goodog Bones | www.goodogbones.com |
Thomas Tietze | Portland | OR | Artisan Workshop | www.artisanworkshop.com |
Meliza Tilley-Morris | Vancouver | WA | | www.melizatilleymorris.com |
Herbert Tirjer | Vancouver | WA | Artists of Steamboat Landing | |
Patricia A Tuel | Eugene | OR | Bead Bouquets | |
Sandra Tweed | Vancouver | WA | | www.sandytweed.com |
Michael Urion | Seattle | WA | Metalcraft | |
Bruce Walden | | | Walden Designs Glass Studio | |
Nancy Walker | Kent | WA | Nancy Walker Design | |
Kathy Ward | Tacoma | WA | Simple Things By Kathy | www.simplethingsbykathy.com |
Grace Washington | Tacoma | WA | Washington Fine Art | www.graceawashington.com |
Reneè Wasson | Spokane | WA | Cool Beans Events LLC | |
Karen Watson | Hood River | OR | Karen Watson - Pastel Paintings | www.karenwatsonart.com |
Leslie Webb | Camarillo | CA | C-Lite Designs | |
Pam Welch | Spokane | WA | Blue Heron Soy Candle | |
Penelope West | Seattle | WA | Opalescence | www.gmsshop.com |
Carrie Westby | Hoquiam | WA | The Ivy Project, Inc. | www.carriejwestby.com |
Regina Westmoreland | Vancouver | WA | Inside Outside Art | |
Sandi Whetzel | Days Creek | OR | | |
Stormy White | Vancouver | WA | Women, Wine & Art | |
Diane & Darrel Williamson | Keizer | OR | D & D Jewelry Mfg. | |
Richard Wills | Monroe | WA | | |
Cerisse Wilson | Vancouver | WA | Soteria Leather | www.soterialeather.com |
Melissa Wisniewski | Amboy | WA | Blue Luca Inc. | www.imaginemetaldesign.com |
Leah Wong | Port Orchard | WA | Gezellig Elligance | www.byleahwong.com |
Erskine Wood | Vancouver | WA | Erskine Wood Photography | www.erskinewood.com |
Sandra Yorke | La Center | WA | Sandra Yorke Fine Art | www.sandrayorke.com |
Ariel Young | Vancouver | WA | Allotropy Designs | www.allotropydesigns.com |
Michael and Piromya Zdan | Portland | OR | Zdan Art Studio | |
Robert & Lorainn Zozaya | Vancouver | WA | Visions From Void | www.visionsfromvoid.com |
2024 Festival Brochure
Vancouver Wine & Jazz Festival Music Festival
Fine Art by Loreen
Mixed Media & Oil Painting
Jennifer Davis | Hillsboro, OR
Forestlily Designs
Handcrafted Jewelry
Pamela Ennis | Tacoma, WA
Shining Dawn Designs
Fine Jewelry
Sundari Franklin | Portland, OR
Minnie Opal
Fiber Art
Jeff Gracz | Vancouver
Jeff Gracz Photography
Erica Harris | Port Angeles
Wheat Stalk Boutique
Handcrafted Enamel Jewelry
Jules Hinshaw | Rainier, OR
Wildflower Botanical
Mixed Media
Annika Jones | Tacoma, WA
Pashmina Palace
Handcrafted Fiber Art
Jessica Julian | Vancouver, WA
Ebby Books, LLC
Illustrated Children's Books
Hui-Yong Kim | Portland, OR
Galaxy Clay
2024 Participating Fine Artists